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Real Economy Insight 2021 cover image for Manufacturing Real Economy Insight 2021: Manufacturing Has PDF
Published: 26 Aug 21
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Real Economy Insight, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, oil and gas, road and rail, steel, water, manufacturing, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors. This five-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the manufacturing sector over the past 12 months. It provides an overview of the global and South African manufacturing sectors amid the Covid-19 pandemic, power supply disruptions and the progression of manufacturing into the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Real Economy Insight 2021 cover image for Energy Real Economy Insight 2021: Energy Has PDF
Published: 26 Aug 21
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Real Economy Insight, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, oil and gas, road and rail, steel, water, manufacturing, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors. This six-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the energy sector over the past 12 months. It provides an overview of the South African government’s first steps towards increasing distributed generation capacity and the challenges confronting State-owned power utility Eskom, as well as activities under the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme and Risk Mitigation Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme.
Real Economy Insight 2021 cover for Oil & Gas Real Economy Insight 2021: Oil & Gas Has PDF
Published: 26 Aug 21
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Real Economy Insight, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, oil and gas, road and rail, steel, water, manufacturing, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors. This six-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the oil and gas sector over the past 12 months. The brief considers South Africa’s refining sector’s uncertain future, imports and the country’s transition to a hydrogen economy.  
Real Economy Insight cover image for Construction Real Economy Insight 2021: Construction Has PDF
Published: 26 Aug 21
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Real Economy Insight, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, oil and gas, road and rail, steel, water, manufacturing, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors. This five-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the construction sector over the past 12 months. It provides an overview of the South African government’s intended infrastructure-led economic recovery and the outlook for the sector.
Real Economy Year Book cover for automotive Real Economy Insight 2021: Automotive Has PDF
Published: 26 Aug 21
Creamer Media’s Real Economy Year Book has been divided into separate reports under the banner Real Economy Insight, and investigates key developments in the automotive, construction, electricity, oil and gas, road and rail, steel, water, manufacturing, pumps, coal, gold, iron-ore and platinum sectors. This four-page brief is a synopsis of key developments in the automotive sector over the past 12 months. It provides an overview of South Africa’s automotive market, the significant investments made by original equipment manufacturers and the road ahead for the industry.
Cover for Creamer Media's Water 2021 report Water 2021: Reform urgently needed Has PDF
Published: 23 Aug 21
Global water use has increased by a factor of six over the past century and continues to increase steadily at about 1% a year, as a result of an expanding population, economic development and ever-changing consumption patterns, according to United Nations Water. The equitable provision of water and sanitation has, however, not developed apace with this growth. In South Africa, government’s failure to deliver water to communities has been highlighted by the Covid-19 pandemic, showing the blatant disparities within South Africa’s water and sanitation sectors, with many arguing that the prevailing water shortages have mostly been caused by politics and bad decisions. Creamer Media’s Water 2021 Report focuses on South Africa’s water sector in the context of water regulation, planning and management, water supply and sanitation, water quality, water and sanitation infrastructure, as well as funding. The report also provides an overview of the state of global water affairs.
Energy Roundup – August 2021 Energy Roundup – August 2021 Has PDF
Published: 06 Aug 21
Creamer Media's Energy Roundup is a monthly report providing a synopsis of energy-related news from South Africa. The August 2021 roundup covers activities in July 2021 and includes details of a new Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies analysis of South Africa’s coal value chain; the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment draft amendment report for public comment on a proposed ash and gypsum co-disposal facility owned by State-owned power utility Eskom; and the South African Photovoltaic Industry Association’s calls on the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition to clarify its approach to localisation in the South African solar photovoltaic sector.
IMAGE CREAMER MEDIA'S REAL ECONOMY YEARBOOK 2021 COVER Real Economy Yearbook 2021: Overcoming the Covid crisis
Published: 30 Jul 21
How to recover from the global Covid-19 pandemic continues to occupy the minds of business leaders and policymakers. There is growing consensus that it is simply not good enough for economies to ‘bounce back’ and return to their previous development pathways. ‘Bouncing forward’, however, will require companies and governments to adopt strategies and policies that begin to repair the health, supply-chain, social, environmental and climate fault lines that have been distressingly exposed during the pandemic. For countries, such as South Africa, where these fault lines were already deeper and wider before Covid than in most other countries, the nature of the recovery will be as important as its pace. This Real Economy Yearbook points to the fact that across just about every sector featured, from automotive to mining, there is an acceptance that a different approach is needed if the foundations are to be laid for more socially, environmentally and economically sustainable industries. For South Africa, these transitions represent not only a great risk but also a tremendous opportunity.
Image Creamer Media Steel 2021 report cover Steel 2021: A fragile recovery Has PDF
Published: 26 Jul 21
The Covid-19 pandemic has pushed the world economy into its worst downturn in decades, resulting in the steepest decline in steel demand since the global financial crisis of 2008/9. The national lockdowns, falling demand and supply chain disruptions owing to the pandemic quickly spread to key steel-consuming sectors, which had significant declines in output. Of the main steel-using industries, automotive and mechanical machinery have been affected the most; however, many other sectors that are important for steel demand, such as energy, have also been severely affected. Nonetheless, the World Steel Association’s Short Range Outlook for 2021 and 2022 indicates that the post-lockdown recovery in steel demand has been stronger than was earlier expected, with steel demand expected to recover to 1.87-billion tonnes in 2021, an increase of 5.80%. Structural changes are expected to accompany the recovery process, with a shift in the demand structure of steel-using sectors, including automotive, owing to electric vehicle transitions and new urban mobility patterns; and in construction, with new patterns of urbanisation, changes in urban planning and building designs, as well as investment in the energy sector. Overall recovery, however, remains fragile, owing to the waves of infections, continued physical distancing measures, elevated unemployment and weak confidence, as well as increasing concern about the timing of a demand recovery.
Energy Roundup – July 2021 Energy Roundup – July 2021 Has PDF
Published: 06 Jul 21
Creamer Media's Energy Roundup is a monthly report providing a synopsis of energy-related news from South Africa. The July 2021 roundup covers activities in June 2021 and includes details of the licence-exemption cap for self- or distributed-generation plants announced by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa; the additional projects added to the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy’s Risk Mitigation Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (RMIPPPP); and the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment’s decision to decline three environmental authorisation applications submitted by Karpowership SA for the development of gas-to-power projects under the RMIPPPP.
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