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Image of Jansen potash mine Jansen potash project, Canada – update
Published: 30 Aug 24
BHP has reported that construction of the potash project is ahead of the original schedule.
Image of Elevated view of the recovery circuit and tailings thickener Kangankunde rare earths project, Malawi
Published: 30 Aug 24
A feasibility study on Stage 1 of the development has confirmed a technically low-risk and economically robust project.
Drill core from the Keliber project Keliber lithium hydroxide project, Finland – update
Published: 30 Aug 24
Sibanye-Stillwater has concluded a €500-million green loan financing facility through its subsidiary, Keliber Technology Oy.
Location map of the Wicheeda project Wicheeda rare earths project, Canada – update
Published: 30 Aug 24
The project has progressed to an advanced stage.
Image of rare earth oxides Eneabba rare earths refinery, Australia – update
Published: 30 Aug 24
Iluka Resources MD Tom O’Leary has said the company will not complete the refinery without more Australian government funding.
LOcation map of the Bengwenyama mine Bengwenyama platinum group metals project, South Africa – update
Published: 30 Aug 24
Southern Palladium has released a third mineral resource update for the UG2 reef to be used in the prefeasibility study.
Image of Eland platinum mine Eland mine complex, South Africa
Published: 30 Aug 24
Decline development is being suspended for the short term.
Image of iron-ore stockpile Lac Jeannine iron tailings project, Canada
Published: 30 Aug 24
CoTec Holdings Corp plans to extract and reprocess tailings from the Lac Jeannine project.
LOCATION MAP OF THE SIMBERI OPERATIONS Simberi sulphide gold project, Papua New Guinea – update
Published: 30 Aug 24
St Barbara has accelerated its decision-making process by selecting the saleable concentrate flowsheet option for its Simberi project ahead of schedule.
Aerial view of the Carrapateena mine Carrapateena block cave expansion, Australia – update
Published: 30 Aug 24
BHP is investing in processing plant capacity to allow for an uplift in throughput from the sublevel cave to seven-million tonnes a year. 
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