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Image of iron-ore bucket excavator Apolo iron-ore project, Brazil
Published: 06 Sep 24
Vale plans to build a mine, a processing plant and an 8 km rail branch to connect to the Vitória a Minas.
Image of river gold nuggets Hemi gold project, Australia – update
Published: 06 Sep 24
The Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility has agreed to terms for a loan to support development of the project.
Image of gold bars from Centamin operations Doropo gold project, Burkina Faso
Published: 06 Sep 24
Centamin plans to build a gold mine between Comoè National Park and the international border with Burkina Faso.
Image of gold bars Sleeping Giant gold project, Canada – update
Published: 06 Sep 24
The results from the underground diamond drilling campaign at the Sleeping Giant mine have been announced.
Image of copper nugget Copper World Complex, US – update
Published: 06 Sep 24
Hudbay Minerals has received an aquifer protection permit from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality.
Location map of the Blackwater project Blackwater gold project, Canada – update
Published: 06 Sep 24
Artemis Gold is complying with an Environmental Assessment Office order to vacate the Chu campsite, which has been used to house transmission-line construction workers for the project.
MILLING PRODUCTS Metso received a €20-million order to deliver grinding mills to an African copper mining project, including energy-efficient HIGmill high-intensity stirred mills with auxiliary equipment and services Products reintroduced, mill order received
Published: 06 Sep 24
In June, industrial machinery company Metso announced its reintroduction of the OtoVent off-gas treatment technology for the quenching of various types of off-gases in non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgical processes and in oil, gas and chemical plants. OtoVent, used for example, at the most modern copper smelters, has high quenching and pre-dedusting capability, and the design ensures low maintenance effort.
A generic image of an artisan working at an industrial factory Sustainability, longevity embedded in strategy
Published: 06 Sep 24
Having anticipated the future demands of the mining sector, global refractory and industrial solutions company the Dickinson Group of Companies’ (DGC Africa’s) key strategic objectives are aimed at developing lasting solutions for more sustainable mining practices and integrating advanced technologies. The company’s focus is on creating an uncontested market space by identifying and addressing unmet needs in the mining sector while breaking the value–cost tradeoff with clients. Other requirements include an emphasis on value innovation over competitive benchmarking.
A generic image of mineral processing operations Boosting value of South African-mined minerals
Published: 06 Sep 24
Collaborative efforts undertaken with the mining industry - focusing on developing research and technological expertise - are driving new economic value in various commodities including gold, iron-ore, chrome, lithium and cobalt, highlights minerals and processing research organisation Mintek. Mintek provides products and services to the metallurgical industry on ore characterisation, unit and flowsheet optimisation, new technology development and by conducting pilot plant studies and plant audits, thereby enabling the organisation to improve mineral beneficiation processes and techniques.
Initial funding secured for DRC refinery
Published: 06 Sep 24
Earlier in the year, metal processing and trading company Buenassa was provided $3.5-million as an initial tranche payment from the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to establish a project preparation facility as part of an innovative copper and cobalt refinery project. Buenassa lists the project as being capable of producing 30 000 t/y of copper cathode and 5 000 t/y of cobalt sulphate.
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