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Aerial view of the Qala Shadows project Witwatersrand Basin Project – Qala Shallows, South Africa – update
Published: 30 Aug 24
A due diligence process by a second commercial bank has started.
Image of heavy mining truck Prominent Hill copper/gold/silver mine expansion, Australia – update
Published: 30 Aug 24
Shaft sinking at the project is 40% complete.
Location map of the Kobada gold project Kobada gold project, Mali – update
Published: 30 Aug 24
Toubani Resources MD Phil Russo has stated that the company is well positioned to advance the project.
Image of Australia map/flag Hillgrove gold/antimony project, Australia – update
Published: 30 Aug 24
An exploration drill rig is set to mobilise to the project.
Drill core from the Dugbe project Dugbe gold project, Liberia – update
Published: 30 Aug 24
Pasofino Gold has reported that significant progress is being made with the ongoing strategic review process aimed at advancing the project.
Copper ore at the Kamoa-Kakula project Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex, Democratic Republic of Congo – update
Published: 23 Aug 24
Ivanhoe Mines’ Phase 3 concentrator has reached commercial production.
Image of silver ore nuggets Bowdens silver project, Australia – update
Published: 23 Aug 24
The New South Wales Supreme Court of Appeal has upheld an appeal by the Bingman Catchment Landcare Group against the project.
Image of silver ore nuggets Silver Sand project, Bolivia
Published: 23 Aug 24
A prefeasibility study has confirmed that Silver Sand has the potential to become a high-grade, low-cost pure silver producer.
Image of manganese ore Chvaletice manganese project, Czechia – update
Published: 23 Aug 24
Euro Manganese has announced an offtake term sheet with a US-based company for the sale of high-purity manganese product from the project.
Image of periodic table symbol for lithium Project Lonestar Lithium, US
Published: 23 Aug 24
Energy Exploration Technologies Inc proposes to build a demonstration plant to produce lithium hydroxide from geothermal brines in the US.
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