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Location of the Reko Diq project Reko Diq copper/gold project, Pakistan – update
Published: 23 Aug 24
The feasibility study is on track.
Image of fingers holding a gold nugget McPhillamys gold project, Australia – update
Published: 23 Aug 24
The project is no longer considered viable.
Image of gold pour Cowal underground development project, Australia – update
Published: 23 Aug 24
The project has reached commercial production.
Image of Kasiya project processing and mining front-end Kasiya rutile/graphite project, Malawi – update
Published: 16 Aug 24
Sovereign Metals has started an infill drilling programme to support ongoing technical studies.
Image of fertiliser on plant Cabinda phosphate project, Angola – update
Published: 16 Aug 24
The Angolan Sovereign Wealth Fund has confirmed approval for a $10-million strategic investment in Minbos Resources.
Image of lithium ore Clearwater lithium project, Canada
Published: 16 Aug 24
A prefeasibility study has outlined the detailed process to produce battery-grade lithium hydroxide.
Image of lithium ore Prairie lithium project, Canada – update
Published: 16 Aug 24
Arizona Lithium has produced battery-grade lithium carbonate from the project.
Image of drill core from the Jadar project Jadar lithium-borates project, Serbia – update
Published: 16 Aug 24
Environmental activists and opposition groups are set to gather in the centre of Serbia’s capital on August 17 to demand a halt to the Rio Tinto-proposed Jadar mine.
Image of rare-earth ore from the Halleck Creek project Halleck Creek rare earths project, US – update
Published: 16 Aug 24
American Rare Earths has announced operational and structural changes aimed at advancing the project.
Image of emerald gemstone Gravelotte emerald mine, South Africa
Published: 16 Aug 24
An independent desk-based review of the discounted cash flow model for the project has highlighted its potential profitability over a 17-year mine life.
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