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Image of Kayelekera operation Kayelekera uranium restart project, Malawi – update
Published: 16 Aug 24
Lotus Resources has announced a restructured board and senior management team to accelerate the development of the project.
Image of South Africa map/flag Bengwenyama platinum group metals project, South Africa – update
Published: 16 Aug 24
Southern Palladium has submitted the environmental-impact assessment report to the Department of Mineral Resource and Energy.
Image of Booysendal mine Booysendal South platinum mine project, South Africa
Published: 16 Aug 24
An application for permitting to expand the South mine tailings storage facility is in progress.
Image of Valentine gold project operation Valentine gold project, Canada – update
Published: 16 Aug 24
The Valentine gold mine is 64% complete.
Gold mineralisation in an ore sample from the Windfall project Windfall gold project, Canada – update
Published: 16 Aug 24
The development of Windfall is well advanced. 
Aerial view of the Casino copper project Casino copper/gold/molybdenum project, Canada – update
Published: 16 Aug 24
Western Copper and Gold Corporation has submitted an updated and refined schedule for submission of the environmental and socioeconomic effects statement to the Yukon Environmental And Socioeconomic Assessment Board Executive Committee. 
Image of the Qala Shallows project under development Witwatersrand Basin Project – Qala Shallows, South Africa
Published: 16 Aug 24
A South African development finance institution has started its due diligence process to secure a debt facility for the development of the project.
Kamoa_Kakula_Phase_3_concentrator Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex – Democratic Republic of Congo – update
Published: 09 Aug 24
Ivanhoe Mines has reported that, over the first six months of 2024, Kamoa-Kakula produced 187 015 t of copper in concentrate.
Location map of the Jaguar nickel project Jaguar nickel sulphide project, Brazil – update
Published: 09 Aug 24
Centaurus Metals has announced a significant increase in the size and confidence levels of the mineral resource.
Image of Australia map/flag Pilgangoora Operation – P680 project expansion, Australia – update
Published: 09 Aug 24
The project has been completed.
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