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Image of gold pour Mogale Tailings Retreatment project, South Africa – update
Published: 02 Aug 24
The project is ahead of schedule and below budget.
Image of gold ore Kiaka gold project, Burkina Faso – update
Published: 02 Aug 24
West African Resources has reported that maiden reverse-circulation grade-control drilling has returned thick zones of near-surface gold mineralisation.
Image of gold nuggets from Australia Kal East gold project, Australia – update
Published: 02 Aug 24
First ore has been mined at the Myhree/Boundary openpit. 
Image of gold ingots Boorara gold project – Stage 1, Australia – update
Published: 02 Aug 24
Horizon Minerals has confirmed that it will imminently start with preproduction works.
Image of periodic table symbol for gold Sand King underground gold project, Australia
Published: 02 Aug 24
The Sand King portal is due to be cut in the September 2024 quarter.
Image of gold bars and nuggets Trident gold project, Australia
Published: 02 Aug 24
Catalyst Metals plans to make a small openpit at the Trident deposit the basis of its new development strategy.
Image of rough diamonds Star-Orion South diamond project, Canada – update
Published: 02 Aug 24
Star Diamonds Corp has reported a mineral resource estimate for the project.
Gold mineralisation in drill core from the Segele gold project Segele gold project, Ethiopia – update
Published: 26 Jul 24
The Segele processing plant is now operational.
Image of gold pour Marmato lower gold mine project, Colombia – update
Published: 26 Jul 24
The lower mine project is on track for its first gold our by the end of next year.
Image of gold ingots Gramalote gold project, Colombia
Published: 26 Jul 24
Gramalote has the potential to become a medium-scale, low-cost, openpit gold mine.
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