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Jansen potash project, Canada – update
Published: 13 Dec 24
BHP has selected ABB to deliver, install and commission three friction hoists and a further electrical system for a Blair service hoist.
Eneabba rare earths refinery, Australia – update
Published: 13 Dec 24
Morgan Stanley has said the project faces economic and execution risks, even after receiving A$400-million ($258-million) of fresh funding from the Australian government.
South West Arkansas project, US
Published: 13 Dec 24
The South West Arkansas project’s design is being updated from its original preliminary feasibility study.
Madaouela uranium project, Niger – update
Published: 13 Dec 24
GoviEx Uranium and its subsidiary GoviEx Niger have started arbitration proceedings against the Niger government under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes Between States and Nationals of Other States.
Letlhakane uranium project, Botswana – update
Published: 13 Dec 24
Lotus Resources’ recent infill drill programme at Letlhakane has successfully converted a significant portion of the inferred mineral resources into the indicated mineral resource category.