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Canada map/flag McIlvenna Bay underground copper/zinc project, Canada
Published: 06 Sep 24
McIlvenna Bay's current mineral reserves could potentially support an 18-year underground mine operation capable of producing an average of 65-million pounds a year of copper equivalent.
Image of Okiep copper project underground Okiep copper project, South Africa – update
Published: 06 Sep 24
Orion Minerals has been granted two high-priority prospecting rights over the greater Flat Mines Area surrounding the Flat Mines mining right. 
Location map of the Browns Range project Browns Range heavy earths pilot plant development project, Australia – update
Published: 06 Sep 24
Northern Minerals has received approval under the Environmental Protection Act for strategic amendments to its project.
Image of srill core from the Thacker pass lithium project Thacker Pass lithium project, US – update
Published: 06 Sep 24
Lithium Americas has reported that automaker General Motors has delayed the second tranche of investment in the project.
Image of Kasiya processing flow chart Kasiya rutile/graphite project, Malawi – update
Published: 06 Sep 24
Sovereign Metals has started a hydraulic mining trial as part of the ongoing pilot phase of its pilot mining and land rehabilitation programme.
Bags of ore from the Kanyika niobium project Kanyika niobium project, Malawi – update
Published: 06 Sep 24
Globe Metals and Mining has announced a letter of intent with master alloys supplier Affilips.
Image of cathode and anode application at the HPA First project High-purity alumina First project, Australia – update
Published: 06 Sep 24
Construction on Stage 2 has started.
Location map of the Lance projects Lance Projects – Ross and Kendrick production areas, US – update
Published: 06 Sep 24
Peninsula Energy has reported “solid progress” on an operational restart before year-end.
Image of Zondereinde mine and smelter Zondereinde – Western extension project, South Africa – update
Published: 06 Sep 24
Underground tunnel development within the Western extension section has progressed to plan, according to Northam Platinum.
Image of Eland platinum mine Eland mine complex, South Africa – update
Published: 06 Sep 24
Prevailing market conditions have resulted in decline development being temporarily suspended.
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