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 Address to refer: https://newsletter.rc.creamermedia.com/article/electric-aviation-company-choses-siemens-software-for-its-design-processes-2024-06-21
 Article Headline: Electric aviation company chooses Siemens software for its design processes
 Abstract: Australian sustainable aviation company Dovetail Electric Aviation (Dovetail) has selected Siemens Digital Industries Software’s Xcelerator software portfolio to employ in the design of its zero-emission aircraft propulsion systems, both battery electric and hydrogen-electric. Dovetail’s propulsion systems are intended to be retrofitted into existing regional aircraft types, both decarbonising their operation and reducing regional airline operating costs by up to 40%. “Whilst a lot has changed in the world of aviation, the fundamental structure of an aircraft hasn’t changed much,” pointed out Dovetail CEO David Doral. “Therefore, it makes perfect business and sustainability sense to retrofit capable aircraft with new generation, zero emissions drivetrains that take a significant step towards cleaner air travel. This helps us collectively achieve net zero and saves costs.”
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