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 Address to refer: https://newsletter.rc.creamermedia.com/article/industry-body-calls-for-new-govt-to-re-set-the-countrys-maritime-agenda-2024-06-14
 Article Headline: Industry body calls for new govt to re-set the country’s maritime agenda
 Abstract: South African non-profit advocacy company, the Maritime Business Chamber (MBC), has called on the incoming seventh administration of democratic South Africa to re-set the country’s maritime agenda. “South Africa is yet to fully operationalise efforts to promote South Africa’s maritime interest,” affirmed the MBC. The chamber acknowledged that there had indeed been progress since the inauguration of democracy in 1994. This progress included the creation of the South African International Maritime Institute and its seafarer development programmes, as well as investments in the country’s ports infrastructure, the promotion of maritime tourism and the expansion of maritime trade.
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