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Image of cover for Creamer Media's Agriculture 2023 report Agriculture 2023: Surging costs threaten sustainability Has PDF
Published: 16 Nov 23
Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Minister Thoko Didiza tabled a R17.20-billion budget for her department in the 2023/24 financial year in May 2023, including transfers to provincial agriculture departments and relevant entities. Her Budget Vote speech underscores the imperative of food security, spatial planning, rural development, and land redistribution, highlighting the sector's role in addressing historical injustices and reinstating land rights. Didiza asserts that the enduring impacts of Apartheid and colonialism have resulted in inequalities in the distribution of resources, infrastructure, and avenues for advancement within the agricultural sector. In this context, Creamer Media’s ‘Agriculture 2023’ report considers key sectoral components including an overview of the market, which delves into production, exports, income, expenditure, costs and prices. The business environment section addresses logistics, loadshedding, and institutions such as the Land Bank. Labour and transformation are also crucial considerations. The report also outlines measures such as antidumping duties, ongoing land reform efforts, and the introduction of a sugar tax in the policy development section. Precision technology also emerges as a critical theme, with a focus on airborne agriculture, climate change and regenerative agriculture.
Image of the cover of Creamer Media's Pip Supplement 2023 – Second Edition Projects in Progress 2023 (Second Edition)
Published: 31 Oct 23
Creamer Media's second edition of the 'Projects in Progress 2023' supplement offers a unique perspective for evaluating South Africa's current economic landscape, amid ongoing challenges, including that of load shedding. Through the presentation of various ongoing projects, this publication unveils encouraging signs of progress across the nation's economy.
Creamer Media MYB Water cover Water – Midyear Brief 2023 Has PDF
Published: 18 Oct 23
The Water – Midyear Brief 2023 is a two-page synopsis of key developments in the sector over the past 12 months. The brief posits that South Africa’s water security challenges are intensifying, with some experts warning that the country faces a future of regular water-shedding.
Creamer Media MYB Hydrogen cover Hydrogen – Midyear Brief 2023 Has PDF
Published: 18 Oct 23
The Hydrogen – Midyear Brief 2023 is a two-page synopsis of key developments in the sector over the past 12 months. The sector is still in its infancy but presents a vital opportunity for South Africa and the world to tackle pressing energy challenges.
Creamer Media MYB Construction cover Construction – Midyear Review 2023 Has PDF
Published: 18 Oct 23
The Construction – Midyear Review 2023 is a three-page synopsis of key developments in the construction sector over the past 12 months, which is yet to recover to pre-Covid-19 pandemic levels of output.
Creamer Media MYB Platinum cover Platinum – Midyear Brief 2023 Has PDF
Published: 18 Oct 23
The Platinum MYB is a three-page synopsis of key developments in the platinum group metals market over the past 12 months, including details of South Africa’s supply and demand, and mergers and acquisitions in the sector.  
Creamer Media MYB  Iron-Ore cover Iron-Ore – Midyear Brief 2023 Has PDF
Published: 18 Oct 23
The Iron-Ore Iron-Ore – Midyear Brief 2023 is a two-page synopsis of key developments in the iron-ore market over the past 12 months, including South Africa’s iron-ore production and the rail constraints that the country’s State-owned freight company is facing in delivering product to port.
Creamer Media MYB Gold cover Gold – Midyear Brief 2023 Has PDF
Published: 18 Oct 23
The Gold – Midyear Brief 2023 is a two-page synopsis of key developments in the gold market over the past 12 months, which experienced a glittering ascent in the first half of 2023, asserting its dominance as a top-tier asset and outshining all major contenders.
Creamer Media MYB Coal cover Coal – Midyear Brief 2023 Has PDF
Published: 18 Oct 23
The Coal – Midyear Brief 2023 is a three-page synopsis of key developments in South Africa’s coal sector over the past 12 months. The sector still dominates the country’s energy mix, however, it is no longer economically viable to send coal by road to ports for export.
Creamer Media MYB Pumps cover Pumps – Midyear Brief 2023 Has PDF
Published: 18 Oct 23
The Pumps – Midyear Brief 2023 is a three-page synopsis of key developments in the pumps market over the past 12 months, which has been on a growth trajectory for years, with the trend expected to continue.
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