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Creamer Media MYB Pumps cover Pumps – Midyear Brief 2023 Has PDF
Published: 18 Oct 23
The Pumps – Midyear Brief 2023 is a three-page synopsis of key developments in the pumps market over the past 12 months, which has been on a growth trajectory for years, with the trend expected to continue.
Creamer Media MYB Manufacturing cover Manufacturing – Midyear Brief 2023 Has PDF
Published: 18 Oct 23
The Manufacturing – Midyear Brief 2023 is a three-page synopsis of key developments in the global manufacturing sector over the past 12 months, which continues to surpass the performance of previous years and exceed expectations.
Creamer Media MYB Steel cover Steel – Midyear Brief 2023 Has PDF
Published: 18 Oct 23
The Steel – Midyear Review 2023 is a three-page synopsis of key developments in South Africa’s steel sector over the past 12 months, which finds itself under great pressure, owing to a prolonged period of economic decline, among other concerns.
Creamer Media MYB RRP cover Roads, Rail & Ports – Midyear Brief 2023 Has PDF
Published: 18 Oct 23
The Roads, Rail & Ports – Midyear Brief 2023 is a three-page synopsis of key developments in South Africa’s roads, rail and ports sector over the past 12 months. It examines the increasing concerns about the performance of the sector, and its potential to unlock crucial economic activity.
Creamer Media MYB Agriculture cover Agriculture 2023 – Midyear Brief 2023 Has PDF
Published: 18 Oct 23
The Agriculture – Midyear Brief 2023 is a two-page  synopsis of key developments in the agriculture sector over the past 12 months. It focuses on current food price inflation in South Africa, as well as trade and investment relations with South Africa’s Western counterparts.
Creamer Media MYB Automotive cover Automotive – Midyear Brief 2023 Has PDF
Published: 17 Oct 23
The Automotive Midyear Brief is a two-page synopsis of key developments in the automotive sector over the past 12 months. It provides an overview of the promising future of electric vehicles and South Africa’s role in that future.
Water 2023: South Africa’s looming crisis Water 2023: South Africa’s looming crisis Has PDF
Published: 06 Oct 23
Without significant changes in how water is managed, South Africa’s forecasted water deficit of 1.60-billion to 2.70-billion cubic metres by 2030 will continue increasing, impacting on investment, job creation and economic growth. The National Infrastructure Plan 2050, published in March 2022, warns that addressing South Africa’s water management challenges will get ever-more challenging owing to growing water demand driven by economic growth, urbanisation and rising standards of living, suggesting a need to broaden South Africa’s water mix. Creamer Media’s ‘Water 2023: South Africa’s looming crisis’ report considers these challenges in the context of the global state of water resources, focusing on the country’s water regulations, policies and planning. It examines some of the country’s most pressing issues, including supply and demand; the Blue, Green and No Drop reports, which monitor wastewater quality, drinking water quality and the status of water losses and nonrevenue water respectively; and the failure of local water services. The report also considers the financial health of the water sector and the impacts thereof. The report also looks at some of the water and sanitation projects that are under way that might help deal with South Africa’s dire water situation.
Real Economy Yearbook 2023 Real Economy Yearbook 2023
Published: 01 Sep 23
Loadshedding continues to cast a confidence-sapping pall across South Africa’s real economy, which is lso being weighed down by a series of other infrastructure failures, from water to rail. Focusing on the electricity crisis – which remains the biggest risk to growth and development even though other threats are rising – appears to be yielding some results, albeit insufficient in speed and scale to fully address the crisis. Nevertheless, there is still a long way to go, with South Africa’s public procurement of new generation continuing to underdeliver. However, the pressure on the real economy does not start and end with power, or the lack thereof. Creamer Media’s ‘Real Economy Yearbook 2023’ reflects on the lack of sustainable progress in building capacity in the public sector, the ability of the country to build resilience against further crises, along with South Africa’s appeal as an attractive investment option.
Image of cover of Creamer Media's Steel 2023 report Steel 2023: Building a sustainable future Has PDF
Published: 15 Jun 23
Creamer Media’s Steel 2023 Report examines the global steel market over the past 12 months and provides insight on South Africa’s steel sector in particular, including production and demand, government support and the scrap metal sector, as well as decarbonisation efforts in the steel sector. It also provides an overview of the main producers in South Africa, as well as an overview of the global and local stainless steel markets.
Image of the cover of Creamer Media's Projects in Progress 2023 report Projects in Progress 2023 (First Edition)
Published: 26 May 23
Creamer Media’s 'Projects in Progress 2023' supplement considers some of the major project developments under way, including high-profile electricity, hydrogen, industry, petrochemicals and gas, as well as water projects in the engineering sector. The supplement also includes some mining projects in the coal, diamonds, gold and platinum sector, as well as a few of the lower-profile public and private developments. What remains apparent is that the private-sector pipeline for projects remains especially weak, owing to poor levels of investor confidence. Nevertheless, project activity is continuing across most of the mining subsectors and in some pockets of industry.
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