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Image of rare earths in petri dishes Carina Module, Brazil
Published: 01 Nov 24
The updated preliminary economic assessment, released in September 2024, has proposed the production of 191 t/y of dysprosium and terbium over the 22-year life-of-mine.
Image of construction workers/cranes/buildings Murray Park library upgrade, South Africa
Published: 01 Nov 24
The Johannesburg Development Agency is upgrading the library as part of the Inner City Eastern Gateway Urban Development Framework.
Aerial view of the Sishen iron-ore mine Sishen ultrahigh-dense-media separation project, South Africa
Published: 01 Nov 24
Kumba Iron Ore plans to invest in margin-enhancing ultrahigh-dense-media separation processing technology at its Sishen mine.
Mineralisation in Windfall gold project ore Windfall gold project, Canada – update
Published: 01 Nov 24
Gold Fields is now the sole owner of the project.
Location map of the Koné gold project Koné gold project, Côte d’Ivoire – update
Published: 01 Nov 24
Montage Gold has announced a financing package totalling $825-million to fund project construction.
Proposed site layout of the Great Bear project Great Bear gold project, Canada
Published: 01 Nov 24
A preliminary economic assessment has outlined a high-grade combined openpit and underground mine.
Image of heavy-haul trucks at the Tropicana mine Havana underground gold project, Australia
Published: 01 Nov 24
The Tropicana Joint Venture is extending its current operations at the Tropicana mine.
Image of water pipe Lower uMkhomazi water project – Phase 1, South Africa
Published: 01 Nov 24
The Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority is building a a new dam and a raw-water conveyance tunnel and pipeline to uMlaza river, in KwaZulu-Natal.
Image of native copper nugget Resolution copper mining project, US – update
Published: 25 Oct 24
The Apache Stronghold filed a petition to the US Supreme Court in the quarter ended September 30, 2024, requesting it to hear its case to stop the land exchange between Resolution Copper and the federal government. 
Image of Oyu Tolgoing copper project underground Oyu Tolgoi underground mine project, Mongolia – update
Published: 25 Oct 24
The ramp-up of copper production is continuing.
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