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Imge of the Caijiaying mine, in China Caijiaying mine, China
Published: 23 Jun 23
A zinc/lead/silver/gold mine in the north-west of Beijing in Hebei province, China.
Image of the Séguéla mine operations Séguéla mine, Côte d’Ivoire
Published: 16 Jun 23
A gold mine in the Worodougou region of the Woroba district, in Côte d’Ivoire.
Image of lithium ore Olaroz mine, Argentina
Published: 09 Jun 23
A lithium mine in the Jujuy province of northern Argentina.
Image of gold nuggets Kiena Mine Complex, Canada
Published: 02 Jun 23
A gold mine in north-western Quebec, in Canada.
Image of Capricorn Copper mine Capricorn Copper mine, Australia
Published: 26 May 23
A copper mine in the highly prospective Mt Isa Inlier.
Image of mine truck Isaac Plains Complex, Australia
Published: 19 May 23
A coal mine in Queensland’s Bowen Basin region, Australia.
Image of the King of the Hills mine King of the Hills mine and processing hub, Australia
Published: 12 May 23
A gold mine in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia.
Image of mineral sands Tormin Mineral Sands Operation, South Africa
Published: 05 May 23
A mineral sands project in Cape Town, on the West Coast of South Africa.
Image of gold pour Guanaco-Amancaya Operation, Chile
Published: 28 Apr 23
A gold mine about 220 km south-east of Antofagasta, in northern Chile.
Image of gold dust and nuggets Darlot Satellite mine, Australia
Published: 21 Apr 23
A gold mine in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia.  
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